Diwas Puri Apps

Diwas Puri
Read news from Kuensel.Tap to zoom in.P.S : I in no way hold credit for the content. It belongs tokuenselonline.com and their authors.
Dzongkha Kuensel Online Bhutan 4
Diwas Puri
This app lets you read Dzongkha news fromKuensel website. (www.dzkuensel.bt)This app was created because Android Phones can't renderDzongkha web fonts on its own. This app will hopefully enablepeople to read Dzongkha news from their android devices.Disclaimer: All the data within this app belongs to Kuensel.
English to Dzongkha Dictionary 1.0
Diwas Puri
Find Dzongkha equivalent of English words by using this app. Thisonline English to Dzongkha dictionary app translates English wordsto Dzongkha, the national language of Bhutan. This app requiresinternet connection to work. Dedicated to our late Lopen PemaRinzin of Gelephu Higher Secondary School The words and theirdefinitions are a property of DDC (Dzongkha DevelopmentCommission). http://www.dzongkha.gov.bt/
English Dzongkha Offline Dict. 2.1
Diwas Puri
Find the Dzongkha equivalent of English words OFFLINE!
Dzongkha to English Dictionary 2.1
Diwas Puri
This app is a reference for finding definitions of Dzongkha wordsin English. Dzongkha is the national language of Bhutan. All thewords and their definitions were taken from DDC's website.www.dzongkha.gov.bt